The Amazing Power Of Deliberate Intent: Living ...
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Have you ever considered your personal evolution in a light of those events that were a majorcatalyst to your subsequent feeling of fulfillment? In your album of pleasing memories, have youstored mental pictures of those moments during which you seemed to have been influenced towardbecoming, achieving or manifesting what you really wanted to be, do or have? Do you sometimesrecall with surging waves of appreciation those persons, books, and seemingly chancecircumstances that offered you words or experiences that afforded you a fresh spark ofphylosophical clarity? Call those brief experiences turning points, call them crossroads, call themsign posts on your path, or even touchstones to a moment of a particular feeling of Well-Beingperhaps. But have you not been aware of their lasting positive effects on your life?I began writing this preface while parked on our dirt trail that runs between the French Broad Riverand the duck pond. My wife Esther and I have been presenting workshops here in Asheville, NC forfifteen years now. This spot by the river is one of our favourites places to visit as we participatewith the spring goslings, and then later the fall migration of thousands of Canadian geese as theyknowingly wing their way across the skies, while we too intersect with a changing seasons here aswe loop back and forth across this nation. So, here I sit at the most joyous period of my life, duringwhat brings me so much pleasure. Iëm writing this with the deliberate intention of offering yousome practicle reasons to put into practice, so you can deliberately experience more of who youreally are, the teachings of Abraham.Weëve been reminded: words donët teach ñ life experience teaches. And although this is a book ofwords, the powerful ones youëre about to read here, are going to reveal some upliftting newperspectives to you which you can now allow to become good feeling new beliefs. Your new beliefscan, by the natural Laws of the Universe, in turn generate new and joyous life experiences. Andfrom your elevated experiences of joy youëll discover more of the life enhancing knowledge thatyouëve been asking for. I expect that you will find this book to be one of those treasures that youwill forever cherish as a clarifying guide to all that you will ever want to be, do or have. If the onlyawareness that I received from this book was the life changing, for me at least, in-depthunderstanding that you create your own truth, this book would have served me extremely well.Reading the truths are but beliefs that had been held for a time, and beliefs are but thoughts that hadbeen held over a period of time, has trully emphasized my awareness of the amazing power ofthought. Recently I overheard a highly successful anti-panewer stating, when asked how he wascapable of achieving such a stupendous degree of success, ÑI think big. Since Iëm gonna be thinkinganyway, I decided long ago - why not think big?ì This is a demonstration of the amazing power ofthought.Many years ago I recall reading something written by one of the worldës most highly regardedgeniuses of the 20th century. He said, in effect, ÑMost humans are only utilizing less than onepercent of their true potential. 99 percent of their potential to be, do or have remains foreveruntapped during their complete lifetime.ì This book, The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent , willreveal the dynamic processes for using more of your untapped potential in this lifetime.Have you ever wondered how much potential for joy lies yet untapped within you? At some level ofyour consciousness, have you ever been aware that even during your most joyous moments in thislife, thereës so much more joy that you could experience? As magnificent as your body has ever feltfor you or performed for you, havenët you somehow known that it could be even better? And whenyou relive those delicious relationship experiences that you shared with those whose lives youëvetouched as youëve grown into the being that is now you, arenët you aware that there must be manymore delightful relationships with so many more inspiring persons, who are out there waiting foryou to attract them into your life experience?In just a few minutes youëre going to meet Abraham. Teachers of teachers theyëve calledthemselves. For those of you who may be new to these teachings, Abraham is referred to in a pluraltense, because they are a collective consciousness.
Contrary to what many of our physical friends believe, life on planet Earth is at its all time best andgetting better. This powerful and accurate statement is not only based on our observation of theintricate details of life on Earth, but also on our knowledge of the powerful laws of the universe,and our understanding that all things are eternally expanding and improving. People often complainabout modern life, stating that it lacks something they remember enjoying in earlier times, and theylong to return to those eras or conditions. But we never look to the past for better times, for weunderstand that whatës happening now and what is coming next will always contain the best that lifehas to offer. People often misunderstand their role in this magnificent process of eternal expansion,humbly seeing themselves as insignificant in the larger scheme of things. Some believe that God orsome Higher Power has created all things, including them, and that now they are here on planetEarth working to achieve a more godly state or to achieve Godës approval. Others have decided thatthe world is Godless, and so they therefore strive to please no-one. From our broader non-physicalventage point we understand the power, purpose and value of the human being, the human mind andthe human thought, for we know that you are the leading edge of thought. We understand the valueof the variety in which you are living and the purpose of the contrast that you observe. We feel theclarity that arises from your focus in your environment, and we revel in the expansion of thoughtthat results from your exposure to your life experiences. We understand creation and we understandthe power of thought. Youëre not here in your physical body striving to achieve the non-physical,for youëre not seperate from non-physical. You are an extension, a leading edge extension of thatnon-physical energy. Yoeëre not here on planet Earth trying to get back to what is non-physical, butinstead youëre summoning the non-physical outward to where you are. And in that summoning All-that-is expands, and your summoning is the reason for the expansion.
As you live your life aware of your environment and all its contrasting components, a naturalprocess of clarifying your personal preferences ocurrs. Sometimes these preferences are so fullyconscious, that you speak of them in terms of your desires, and sometimes they are more subtle andno words are spoken, for these preferences happen at many levels of your being. Even the cells ofyour body are points of consciousness who are experiencing contrast and clarifying theirpreferences. In fact, everything around you ñ your animals, your trees, even your rocks, dirt anddust ñ are actually pulsing living consciousnesses, who are experiencing contrast and who havepreferences. And these living pulsing preferences have summoning power. In simpler terms we liketo say, when you ask it is given. It is always given. It is given every time, no exceptions. When you,or anyone, or anything asks, it is given. And this simple process of exposure to experience, whichcauses consciousness to clarify personal preferences, sets a vibrational summoning into motion thatcauses the eternal expansion of the universe. When you realize that everything you see around youin your time-space reality is consciousness, and that every point of consciousness is having anexperience in which its own preferences are born, and that every preference is heard and answered,then you must understand, as we do, that all is very well. You are a powerful leading edge creator.Youëre on the leading edge of thought, experience and expansion. Youëre certainly not alone in this,for all that has come before you is aware of where you are, what youëre doing and what youëreasking for. The non-physical aspect of this leading edge you is experiencing expansion also,reveling in the new ideas and joyously joining you as you continue to move into your powerfulfuture. It is our desire that you remember all that you are so that you can enjoy this leading edgeventage point in the way you intended as you decided to come forth into this physical body. You arenot inferior beings in need of enlightment, you are not incignificant particals in a vast unending
universe, you are not misguided or forgotten children trying to find your way home. You arepowerful leading edge creators, riding the most significant wave of expansion that has ever occured.And it is our desire that you return to your conscious awareness of this so that your time in thisphysical body can be one of deliberate conscious joy.
of it is the ultimate and trully living. Accomplishing an end result is manifestation. Consciouslymanaging and maintaining your vibrational balance is deliberate living, and it is really what we callliving the art of allowing.
So, this leading-edge book is really about understanding the importance of having a deliberateintent for an end result, while at the same time tending to the balance of your energy along the way.But itës much more about an awareness of the balance of your energy then it is about goal setting orfocusing on end results. And itës from this very important distinction that this book ÑThe amazingpower of deliberate intentì has come forth. As you come to understand and effectively practise theprocesses offered here, you will not only achieve your desired goals and outcomes more rapidly, butyou will enjoy every single step along the path, even before the manifestation of your desires.Living your life will be an ongoing journey of joy rather than one of experiencing long dry spellsbetween occasional moments of temporary satisfaction in achieving of something wanted. 781b155fdc